About Me

Welcome to The Worm Wagon! I’m Lindsay, and I’m thrilled to share my journey into the fascinating world of worm farming and vermicomposting with you.

A Bit About My Background

We recently moved to a beautiful lake community, and it brings back fond memories of my grandfather. When I was about 12 years old, he decided to raise worms for a living, and I was his eager assistant. He jumped in headfirst with multiple 55-gallon barrels cut in half, fancy tables, and a strict feeding schedule. Unfortunately, he didn’t account for the summer heat, and we ended up “cooking” all the worms. Despite the mishap, I enjoyed the experience and was fascinated by it, a memory that has stayed with me all my life.

My Professional Journey

Professionally, I’m a financial analyst, but my true passion lies in studying and learning new things. This passion has led me back to school, where I’m currently working toward a teaching degree. My goal is to instill a love for learning in young people, particularly in science. I strongly believe in taking care of our earth, and what better way to give back than by sharing knowledge and love for our environment?

Core Values

At The Worm Wagon, my core values revolve around empowerment, growth, respect, and integrity. These values guide everything I do and are at the heart of this project.

Goals and Vision

My vision for The Worm Wagon is to create educational content that teaches people how to care for their worms and utilize vermicompost in their gardens. From small urban gardens to full-scale homesteads, I want to help improve our soil and, ultimately, our planet. In the future, I hope to create courses or even camps for kids to learn more about worms and how to care for them.

Personal Journey and Challenges

As mentioned, my journey into worm farming started with my grandfather. I’ve attempted to start this project at least three times, but consistency has been a challenge. However, this time I’m committed and excited to share this journey with you.

What I Love About Worm Farming

There’s something incredibly satisfying about working with dirt. It grounds me, quite literally! This time around, I’m hoping to get my kids involved and create a routine as we settle into our new home.

A Message for You

If I can do this, I know you can too! Join me on this journey to create a greener, more sustainable future with The Worm Wagon.

I’m Lindsay

Welcome to The Worm Wagon, a corner of the internet dedicated to the wonders of worm farming and sustainable gardening. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of environmental stewardship, vermicomposting, and all things eco-friendly with a touch of love. Let’s get wriggly!

Let’s connect