My Self-Taught Homesteading Journey

Hello, fellow gardeners, homesteaders, & worm enthusiasts! I’m excited to introduce a new weekly series on my blog, where I’ll be documenting my journey into the world of homesteading through self-teaching. Every Monday, I’ll share updates, insights, and lessons learned as I delve into various aspects of sustainable living, from raising chickens to growing vegetables and everything in between.

A Lifelong Passion for Homesteading

My passion for homesteading started at a young age. I fondly remember raising chickens and growing lemon trees in the hen house, as well as spending summer hours with my grandfather, learning the art of worm farming. These experiences taught me invaluable life lessons and instilled in me a deep love for self-sufficiency and sustainable living. Being homeschooled through high school, I learned the majority of what I know through experience and self-learning.

Motivation and Goals

These days, my motivation stems from a general dissatisfaction with the status quo and the expectations of corporate life. I long to escape these constraints and create a world where I can thrive on my own terms. My dream is to run a happy little homestead, sell my crochet creations, and manage websites where I can teach others to do the same. Ultimately, I hope to quit my day job and let homesteading become my full-time occupation.

Current Situation and Projects

I’m currently based in upstate New Jersey, where the mini farm stands along the roadsides have been a source of inspiration. Although I’m working with minimal space and limited sunlight, I’m determined to make the most of what I have. My current projects include the initial stages of a three-bin composter, a worm factory that I hope to expand to supply my community with garden worms and vermicompost, and a mini pumpkin patch. This season, I’m expecting to harvest over 100 mini pumpkins!

Why Self-Study?

When I considered formal education in agriculture, I kept asking myself, “Why?” Why spend so much money when I’ve already proven that a certification or a piece of paper isn’t what counts? It’s the experience and skills that truly matter. Inspired by Tim Ferris and his Self-Taught MBA plan, I decided to create my own course plan for homesteading. Being homeschooled, I’m no stranger to self-directed learning, and I’m excited to embark on this new educational journey.

Join Me on This Adventure

I invite you to join me on this exciting adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned homesteader or just beginning, I hope my journey will inspire and empower you to pursue your own path to self-sufficiency. Each week, I’ll share detailed updates on my progress, practical tips, and valuable resources that you can use to build your own homestead.

Stay tuned for next Monday’s post, where I’ll dive into the first topic of my self-taught homesteading curriculum: Soil Science. Together, we’ll explore the fascinating world beneath our feet and learn how to create healthy, productive soil for our gardens.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. I can’t wait to share more with you and hear about your own homesteading experiences. Let’s make our dreams of a self-sufficient, sustainable life a reality!

Happy Homesteading!

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I’m Lindsay

Welcome to The Worm Wagon, a corner of the internet dedicated to the wonders of worm farming and sustainable gardening. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of environmental stewardship, vermicomposting, and all things eco-friendly with a touch of love. Let’s get wriggly!

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