Welcome to The Worm Wagon!

Hi there! I’m Lindsay, and I’m super excited to welcome you to The Worm Wagon, my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to the fascinating world of worm farming and sustainable gardening. If you have read my About Me, you may want to skip this post. It’s largely that in post form. But, I’m fully aware that most people don’t go pouring through each page on a website. That said… moving on!

My Journey into Worm Farming

My interest in worm farming started many years ago with a memorable experience involving my grandfather. When I was about 12 years old, he decided to raise worms for a living. We set up multiple 55-gallon barrels, fancy tables, and a strict feeding schedule. Unfortunately, the summer heat took us by surprise, and we ended up “cooking” all the worms. Despite this mishap, I found the whole process fascinating, and that memory has stayed with me ever since.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve rekindled my love for worm farming. As a gardener (though not always a successful one), I am determined to take my time and enjoy the process, learning and growing along the way.

A Bit About Me

Professionally, I’m a financial analyst, but my true passion lies in continuous learning and education. Currently, I’m working towards a teaching degree with a focus on science. I believe strongly in the importance of caring for our earth, and I see vermicomposting as a perfect way to combine my love for science and sustainability.

What You Can Expect from The Worm Wagon

At The Worm Wagon, you’ll find a wealth of information and resources about worm farming and sustainable gardening. Here are a few things you can look forward to:

  • Educational Tutorials: Step-by-step guides on setting up your own worm bin, feeding your worms, and harvesting worm castings.
  • Gardening Tips: How to use vermicompost to enrich your garden soil, whether you have a small urban garden or a full-scale homestead.
  • Personal Stories: Insights and anecdotes from my own journey with worm farming, including the challenges and successes.
  • Sustainability Insights: Tips and ideas on how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle through vermicomposting and other sustainable practices.
  • Community Engagement: Opportunities to connect with fellow worm farming enthusiasts, share experiences, and learn from each other.

Join the Wriggling Fun!

If you’re passionate about sustainability, eager to learn about vermicomposting, or just curious about worms, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get wormy together and make a positive impact on our environment, one worm at a time.

Stay tuned for regular updates, tutorials, and stories. Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey!

Until next time, happy composting!


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I’m Lindsay

Welcome to The Worm Wagon, a corner of the internet dedicated to the wonders of worm farming and sustainable gardening. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of environmental stewardship, vermicomposting, and all things eco-friendly with a touch of love. Let’s get wriggly!

Let’s connect